This past week I have noticed an increase in, for lack of a better word, crotch pain. If I change positions, or go to stand up from kneeling, I get a sharp pain in what feels like the muscular area down there. I talked to Kyla about it and she thought it might be a ligament related to my pelvis being out of whack. I went to the chiropractor but the pain relief was short lived (hurt by the time I got home).
I had my last prenatal appointment with my GP and he named it the "round ligament pain" (so I can google it), but he didn't offer any solutions other than giving birth LOL I've started sleeping with my nursing pillow which has helped a little but now I'm also noticing some lower back pain. I have a massage booked for tomorrow which I am really looking forward to, but am looking for more preventative and long term solutions. Some suggested swimming and I think some stretches would help.
I have also noticed an increase in nausea. Yesterday I ate a bunch of crackers/sausage/cheese, took my first prenatal vitamin in months and then ended up throwing it all up within ten minutes. Not fun! Now I'm not sure about taking another prenatal vitamin as I don't want to throw up. The nausea feeling has stuck with fact right now I feel as though I am on the edge of heaving. Crazy as I am at 19 weeks. However, the nausea comes and goes in bouts and doesn't always result in puking so I don't think going on any medication would be worth the risk. It's just discomforting.
On Wednesday, I get to meet my birthing doctor, Dr. McCubbin! I'm pretty excited as I've heard she's a great doctor and attends all her births. I hope I like her as much as I liked Dr.Phillpot, my Red Deer doctor. I think Tyler will come with me as well so he can meet her and they can be introduced before the birth (he's still off of work, but maybe he'll have a job at my next appointment so best to get it done).