This influenced my choice, which is that if I'm looking to work for fulfillment purposes, then I would like to find the time to search for work involving my writing. Something that has come out of my experience with Wentworth is that others, virtual strangers, have complimented my writing skills. This leads me to believe, hopefully not wrongly, that I do have a talent that could be explored. I have always dreamed of writing a book, being published &/or writing for a magazine. I'm not sure how realistic or lucrative this could be, but my plan for 2012 is to explore my options. I'm very excited!
Secondly, for a very long time I've had some interest in money & investing. We have worked with Primerica, as investors, for about 7 years now and for the last 6 months or so I've been considering getting involved as a representative. I enjoy being educated on what my money is doing and also educating others on the best and better alternatives out there versus the traditional banks and routes. My experience with Primerica so far, leads me to believe that they are an ethical business who has their customers best interest as a priority rather than just their bottom line. This weekend and next week I'll be discussing with Jasmine (my representative) the exact qualifications I need and hopefully getting started. I believe she told me that there is a test I need to take in order to become a rep. I'm excited to get started with this too. I'll be happy to be more participatory in our own investments (Tyler & I each have RRSPs and Dexter has RESP, we also had term life insurance through them) and I'm hoping I'll be able to share my education with family and friend's. I'm not sure how lucrative it will be (as money is a very touchy subject with people) but my end goal is to simply help people have the best set of investments and insurance for their needs.