Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Myths & Realities

Myth: That since I miscarried once, I am more likely to miscarry again and that everyone should act really cautious and nervous about being excited that I am pregnant again.

Reality: While I am a little bit nervous (because I know what it feels like to miscarry), I am trying to be positive about my chances.  Having just one miscarriage doesn't make you more likely to have them again, in fact most doctors don't have a lot of concern until you've had 3, 4 or more. Statistically, about 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage. I feel I've done my part by having one already & I don't need to have any more.

Myth: It took me a year to conceive Dexter.

Reality: After going off the pill at the end of October 2007, I had a postive pregnancy test on Dec 14, 2007. Within 10 days I knew I was miscarrying, though it took about 6 weeks before I stopped getting positive reads on preg tests. At that point, Tyler labelled me a bit "crazy" so I decided to let things happen on their own if they were going to and focus on other things such as my home businesses. Tyler was working away in Fort Saskatchewan, sometimes as much as 2-3 weeks at a time...and we didn't always "connect" when he got home.  Around October or November I decided to embrace my inner Type A personality and plan away.  I got on www.fertilitygal.com and started charting my cycle and then seducing Tyler whenever it said I had fertile days. Judging from my dates, Dexter was conceived on December 26th.  So, with this information, you can decide Dexter took 10 months or 2 months depending on your terms of measurement.

This time around, I went off my pill at the end of March.  I had a bit of a weird cycle:
-March 29-31, a very short period.
-April 19-24, an early period.
-May 16th...assumed intended period based on normal 4 week cycle from last period.
-May 17th - first positive preg test.

So as of right now, I'm going with April 19 being my first day of my last period, but I guess I could get a surprise, though if I use our possible conception times, it makes the most sense.

Anyway, the reason I wrote this blog, is that some of the reactions I've been getting as I share my news, is like "oh i'm surprised it was this quick when it took so long with Dexter", and "are you worried you're going to miscarry" which kind of annoyed me.  I guess, its not that they aren't legitimate, (and don't be offended if you asked them), but they make me feel like I am less of a woman in some of these people's eyes. That I'm not up to par...thoughts?

First Trimester Fatigue

Ugh, while I am super pumped to be prego, I am feeling really tired.  Tired when I get up, and never really feeling energized throughout the day.  Any tips out there for me?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Exercise for Overweight Preggos?

So I want to sign up for this "BMS Stroller Bootcamp". While I am SOOOOO not one to gravitate to anything with "Bootcamp" in the name, I'm attracted to this one for a few reasons:
-BMS stands for body, mind, soul a lovely sounding combo,
-the stroller part means I can incorporate dexter into my workouts,
-the trainer comes highly recommended by other Mommies in our group,
- there are 3 other moms from my group joining so it wil be more fun & less nerve racking,
-there FAQs state that modification is available for whatever level you are starting at.

My concern, other than for embarrassment & lack of breath, comes in that I am early days pregnant & happily so. The course starts June 20 so I'll be 10 weeks by then, so I feel like it is only in our BEST interest to do it, But I guess I am looking for some reassurance.

P.S. If you are reading this & I haven't yet told you I am pregnant, it's because I haven't really told anyone yet. It's still very much NOT public news, but I don't know if many read my blog anymore any way. So if you are reading this news for the first time, please do not tell anyone else or announce our fun news. (but feel free to private message me or leave a comment here).

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Kyla wrote a lovely blog about how anger is a choice and how her life is going to be anger free from now on.  I love that idea...and yet I'm seem to be sinking into grumpiness anyway.  What am I doing wrong? How can I work on my choices to get to a more positive, happy place?

P.S. I'm feeling really insecure about my friendship with my new bestie in Leduc here.  She seems to be cancelling more, phoning less, and the last few times we've hung out (one on one or in a group) she seems really distant.  I probably shouldn't be so egotistical to think that it has anything to do with me; after all she has a full life being prego with baby #2 and a sister coming to visit and struggling with her budget. But still...I feel like it's situational to me...

Sunday, May 22, 2011


I don't have the level of patience I wish I had, and sometimes I can get grumpy/anger far too quickly.  I got a great tip on Friday & I'm excited to share it with you all.

Each night before bed, practise deep breathing (make your stomach move up and down with each in and out. While doing this, press your thumb and forefinger together. Do as many breaths as you want (6-30).  The deep breathing helps bring oxygen into your brain fully (while most of us, me included usually take shallow chest breaths). The thumb/forefinger trick helps to build a trigger (a la Pavalov's Dogs if you know that study), so that when you are in a situation where your patience is wearing thin all you need to do it press your thumb and forefinger together and it will trigger you to subconsciously start taking deeper breaths thus helping to keep you more calm & relaxed! 

I'll be working on this all week and I'm quite confident in the theory behind it.