Sunday, May 22, 2011


I don't have the level of patience I wish I had, and sometimes I can get grumpy/anger far too quickly.  I got a great tip on Friday & I'm excited to share it with you all.

Each night before bed, practise deep breathing (make your stomach move up and down with each in and out. While doing this, press your thumb and forefinger together. Do as many breaths as you want (6-30).  The deep breathing helps bring oxygen into your brain fully (while most of us, me included usually take shallow chest breaths). The thumb/forefinger trick helps to build a trigger (a la Pavalov's Dogs if you know that study), so that when you are in a situation where your patience is wearing thin all you need to do it press your thumb and forefinger together and it will trigger you to subconsciously start taking deeper breaths thus helping to keep you more calm & relaxed! 

I'll be working on this all week and I'm quite confident in the theory behind it.

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