Have you ever caught yourself acting a certain way or delaying a decision because you believe something to be true that you logically know isn't? Confusing probably.
I've been craving this one specific liquor beverage since thanksgiving and I first resisted buying it just in case, against the odds I was pregnant. Though it's pretty conclusive that I'm not since I got my period the week leading up to thanksgiving and I got a negative Preg test the day before my period arrived. And although Tyler was home for thanksgiving, we didn't baby dance. So basically, barring immaculate conception (which is of course how I was created) I am not pregnant. However, I still feel weird about drinking alcohol. I've done it, but with guilt that one of these times I will be prego. It's weird. And so Sunday night, I bought the liquors. Propped them on the kitchen counter. And have yet to make that drink. Bizarre.
I LOVE that you call it 'baby dancing' LOL