Canadian Mom Sub-Urbanite ponders everything from Arisotle to In-laws to New Discoveries to finding Zen!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Considering Starting a Dayhome
Setting aside the discussion of whether or not I should do it, I'll first discuss some of he pros & cons of agency vs private. I'm in the very early stages of research right now so this is a pretty superfiscial discussion right now.
Pro: the agency handles the collection of money from the parent(s) for me, so I wouldn't have the hassle or possibility of being ripped off (a valid concern for me the soft hearted & non-assertive person).
Con: since they handle the finances they of course are taking a cut for themselves
Pro: they have families to match u to
Pro: they have some structure to help u along the way... I'm not familiar with all of it yet, but so far I know they have monthly meetings with tips & also seminars.
Pro? There might be an opportunity for sicks days and holidays with others able to cover for u.
Cons: I would be more of an employee than self-employed
Okay, so now for the discussion on whether or not this is really a good idea for me. I first started considering it for the social development side for Dexter. Shannon often speaks of how Lily & Josephine learn off of each other.
The second highest appeal goes of course to the money making side of things. It would be very gratifying to "earn" some of my own money, contribute to he household in a monetary way & not be selling something.
Some unexpected positives that Shannon mentioned to me is that the added accountability to another parent helps here to have more routine/structure in her day & makes her more attentive and involved in her own kid's activities (Shannon's daughter is Josephine, 18 months, and she watches Lily, 14 months).
I think I would want to watch one other boy aged 14 months to 3.5 years. Anything in that age range would be a benefit to have around Dexter (provided he's not a hellion of course).
Shannon says there are more boys waiting for placement as girls tend to be requested more for some reason.
The day home would be a good experiment to see and even help me prep for having more kids ourselves (and idea I have tabled for a while).
The negative is that I would have less flexibility and freedom in my day. I would certainly have to be more prepared and be more on top of my chores & daily tasks. Not necessarily negatives in the long run but definitely a challenge to the status quo.
Also, as a fairly inconsequential point that doesn't affect my decision, is that I would be able to "write off" some things such as toys, groceries purchases for kids, some utilities etc.
Again, as I mentioned at the beginning I'm still in my early research stage, but I thought I'd put it out there for some feedback from my readers (Shelley Kyla Diana - are u out there?).
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
My New iPhone
Tyler's Mini Getaway
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Mini Rant
Sunday, January 16, 2011
My Christmas
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

12th Session
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Christmas 2011
My IV Sedation Dentistry Experience
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
MY Struggles with "God"
choices & paths.
The word God makes me uncomfortable. When I hear it or read it I have a physical cringe reaction. To be honest, I am not sure where it originated. That is something I want to explore this year because I have no problem with the words Buddha, Tao, Universe, Source, Mother Nature, Mother why just "God"?
I have more recent experiences with so called religious persons who have acted hypocritically, selfishly & greedily: not qualities that govern true religious people in my opinion. But I know that my inner feelings dated way before that, so these cannot be the source of my negative reaction.
I have also had positive experiences, mainly through my friend Kyla who is more in tune with how I believe authentic spiritual people should be.
The reason I want to explore this more, is that I believe everyone has a "spiritual" component they need to fill. It need not be through tradition relgions (in fact, I am fairly opposed to most established religions. They just don't "ring true" for me), but rather through quality time with family & friends, meditation, compassion, acts of kindness & charity, pursuing & acting on your true passions & talents, and the stripping of ego based qualities like greed, materialism, selfishness, judgement, predjuice, etc.
Why am I biased against religion? Well that could fill a book, LOL
In general, I see religion as one of many paths to the same destination. A set of rules meant to help govern us to be better people. I don't choose religion because I want to choose the rules that feel right for me. I don't feel going to church on Sundays (or Satirdays) is the answer. And I don't like how each relgion presents itself as the only "true" option. I also know the history of some religions - like Christianity - and how its role as a major player came to be through fear & bloodshed. I have also experienced many false people who join religions & I don't want to surround myself with them.
Anyway, my point is that I am pursuing a more spiritual pathway this year, and in order to have some real progress I need to identify my "road blockers". Wish me luck!
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Saturday, January 1, 2011
Hokey Messages
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.