For example, today for me was the number 3 and it's corresponding color was yellow, my focus was suppose to be on joy. I don't own much color but I did my best with a blue & yellow dress (luckily I didn't need to leave the house today) with yellow underwear. I believe the idea behind it is, that if you wear the appropriately suggested colors and focus on the appropriate thing then your energy will vibrate at its best and you will attract more positive emotions, things, etc to yourself. I've decided to give it a go for myself & for Dexter. It will be a fairly easy & fun experiment to see if it affects our moods, luck and behavior. Since my personal year is 9, my focus for the year is suppose to be Completetion. Closing doors on old opportunities, etc.
To figure out your own personal number each day, here is the formula...it sounds a wee bit complicated, but if you stick with it, it's not so bad.
The universal year is 4...to get your personal year, add 4 but the digits of your month & day of birth.
Example (me): 4 + 9 + 23 = 36 (then reduce it to a single digit by again adding these together)
=9 (It doesn't matter how you add then when you reduce to a single digit, it always works out the same).
To get your personal day number you add your personal year plus the current month & day.
Example (me & today's date): 9 + 1 + 12 = 4.
*A little trick I learned early is that any number plus 9, ends up being it's own number again, so 9's just get cancelled out. So for me this year I only ever have to add the month & day to get my personal day number.
Then each number corresponds to a certain color & focus. Remember when I told you to reduce to a single digit? Well, apparently you DON'T do that in instances of 11 & 22 because they are special. In those cases, I recommend adding everything today first, and if it's 11 or 22, leave it. You'll see it also says 11/2 because when you add 11 together it is 2 (same for 22/4).
So here are the numbers/colors/focus'(there are also jewels/stones but I am too lazy to type that too):
1: Red, I open new doors to life (Beginnings).
2: Orange, I am kind & considerate to others (Cooperate).
3: Yellow, I radiate joy & share it with others (It's Party Time/Enjoyment).
4: Green, I am organized & productive (Time to Work/Practical).
5: Turquoise, I welcome change & regoice in the new (Change & Surprise).
6: Indigo (navy blue), My home is a peaceful haven (Adjustment Time/Responsibility).
7: Purple/Violet, I look within & receive answers (Look Within/Faith).
8: Beige/Brown/Pink, I am powerful & prosperous (Successful Business/Achievement).
9: Pastels, I am one with all of life, the whole world is my family (Humanity/Completetion).
*I'm not into pastels & I just googled this...gold appears to work too.
11/2: Black/White/Pearl Gray/Silver, I follow my inner star (Follow Your Inner Star/Intuition).
22/4: Coral/Copper, I joyfully bless & prosper everyone (Give of Yourself/Greatness).
If you're up for it, why not give it a try. It's kind of fun and I don't think it could really hurt anything (unless of course you are wearing unflattering shades of colors & have your photo taken & put on facebook, ha ha ha).
If you are into the idea of this, I have also heard of Clothing Fung Shui where you wear certain colors/materials based on the elements: water, fire, air & earth.
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