Monday, September 5, 2011

Other Pregnancy Updates

This past week I have noticed an increase in, for lack of a better word, crotch pain. If I change positions, or go to stand up from kneeling, I get a sharp pain in what feels like the muscular area down there. I talked to Kyla about it and she thought it might be a ligament related to my pelvis being out of whack. I went to the chiropractor but the pain relief was short lived (hurt by the time I got home).

I had my last prenatal appointment with my GP and he named it the "round ligament pain" (so I can google it), but he didn't offer any solutions other than giving birth LOL I've started sleeping with my nursing pillow which has helped a little but now I'm also noticing some lower back pain. I have a massage booked for tomorrow which I am really looking forward to, but am looking for more preventative and long term solutions.  Some suggested swimming and I think some stretches would help.

I have also noticed an increase in nausea. Yesterday I ate a bunch of crackers/sausage/cheese, took my first prenatal vitamin in months and then ended up throwing it all up within ten minutes. Not fun! Now I'm not sure about taking another prenatal vitamin as I don't want to throw up. The nausea feeling has stuck with fact right now I feel as though I am on the edge of heaving. Crazy as I am at 19 weeks. However, the nausea comes and goes in bouts and doesn't always result in puking so I don't think going on any medication would be worth the risk. It's just discomforting.

On Wednesday, I get to meet my birthing doctor, Dr. McCubbin! I'm pretty excited as I've heard she's a great doctor and attends all her births. I hope I like her as much as I liked Dr.Phillpot, my Red Deer doctor. I think Tyler will come with me as well so he can meet her and they can be introduced before the birth (he's still off of work, but maybe he'll have a job at my next appointment so best to get it done).

Doulas & Placenta Encapsulation


The cost of doulas really vary, from free to $100/hr! So I wasn't sure if it was something I wanted to spend our money on, especially as I plan to get another epidural and I'm really hoping it works to it's fullest potential this time.  However, after reading Kyla's birth story with her midwives, it kind of re-affirmed to me my reasons for wanting one in the first place: to keep me calm, focused & positive. I looked on and there are a couple ladies posted there who are "in training" and thus have lower rates. I'm going to start by talking to them and go from there. The one was listed at $100 (I'm assuming flat rate) and the other was $200 I think? Anyway, stay tuned for developments on that.

Placenta Encapsulation

Okay, I know it sounds disgusting and kooky. That's what I thought when I first heard about it. But some of the benefits of sound really appealing and there is really no downside (other than cost).

What is it? The placenta is taken from the hospital via you or hubby and given to a placenta enscapsulator person. In the Chinese medicine method, they drain the blood, steam it (to sanitize it essentially), dry it out, ground it, and then put it in capsules to take as a pill. You take these pills several times a day for a few weeks. There should be lots of pills, so after you can freeze them and take them later (3 months, 6 months, 9 months post partum) if you are affected by hormone changes. Shelf life is suggested at 3-5 years in freezer. Some woman keep them for menopause.

What are the "alleged" benefits? The vitamins & minerals especially iron plus protein contained in the placenta help fight depression symptoms, aid in post partum healing, increase general energy, increase breast milk production, and aid in sleeping.

What are the risks? That it will do nothing and you've wasted your money. That it won't be prepared properly so it could be contaminated. Baby (breastfed) could have an adverse reaction due to the hormones, though they appear temporary. Oh, the 'ick' factor. Also, if you get a fever you're suppose to stop taking them during the fever.

For me... I suffer from depression symptoms such as irritability, mood swings, sudden sadness - this without a newborn baby. I take Celexa, an antidepressant currently but a few months back I had it filled at Walmart vs Safeway where I usually get it. I got a different brand and really noticed that it effected my energy in a negative way (made me want to sleep all day). So I stopped taking it.  Bad choice! My brother has nicknamed me Mood-Swing McGee, I wasn't handling Dexter's bad behavior moments well, snapping at Tyler, etc.  So a few days ago I switched my prescription back to Safeway and started taking it again. The second day I already felt better in control of my emotions. 

Thus, I think the placenta encapsulation would be a good idea for me.  I googled it in Edmonton & found a few names. One lady had her price on the website: she charges $150 plus possibly delivery charges outside of Edmonton so I'll use that as a bench mark.  What are your thoughts?