Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Good Mommy vs Bad Mommy

I'm pretty sure every mother suffers from some sort of guilt regarding her parenting.  For myself, I flipflop between knowing I'm a good mom and then worrying that I'm really not.

When I am at my best, I feel like I am a good Mom. I look for activities to do for Dexter and with Dexter. I like to have a variety of in the house, out of the house, by himself, with other kids, with just me, with just Daddy and with us both. I want to give him the gift of Independence but also be confident in the security of our love. I want him to be gentle but strong. It's a tall order! But at the same time, I have given myself the gift of loving imperfection of both myself and Dexter.

My brother-in-law often bragged about his daughter (Kira) and how she was a super hero at everything she did. While the act itself is very common and forgivable in parents, I perceived his particular attitude as "if my daughter wasn't overachieving I wouldn't love her as much.  I vowed that I would try to be a parent who outwardingly showed my child(ren) that I loved them for them, whether ahead of the game, keeping pace or even under achieving. I can often be quoted as saying "they are all fairly equal by kindergarden". I often find, too, that kids may do well in one area (ex Dexter walked earlish at 10 months), and then be slower in another (he still doesn't say many distinguishable words).

Another thing I wanted to try to do was to "act like a mom of three" with the first one. By this I mean that moms of mulitple children tend to be more easy going about a lot of things like colds, falls, germs, etc. I wanted to take advantage of this knowledge and not sweat the small stuff with Dexter so that we'd both have an enjoyable time instead of me fretting about every little thing. It definitely took a while and continues to be a work in progress but I can see the contrast with my new friend Shannon with her 19 month old Josephine. I think she's awesome, but I also think she's have a lot more fun if she let loose a little more :-)  Tyler lead the way for me with Dexter's falls, bumps & bruises, and adventuressness but Tyler could learn to be a little less anal about messes. Kids makes messes and honestly, if it can easily be cleaned up then why fret about it?

I am really good about taking breaks and time for myself. The old adage "you can't pour water from an empty pitcher" is my motto. But here's where my guilt starts to slip in. I love my ME time and that makes me feel like less of a mom. Like I should want to spend every waking second with my child. Also, when we are in a group situation (like dinner in a restaurant or having company over or at someone else's house) and Tyler is around I tend to totally focus on socializing and leave the child minding to Tyler (which he does SO well). In fact it feels like I completely block Dexter out and forget I have a child. I question myself and wonder if that is normal or if it makes me a bad mom? In my defense, when it is Dexter & I out and about I am perfectly capable of multitasking socialzing or shopping with watching him.

Other things I feel guilty about:
We also still don't have a solid routine yet. We have a somewhat schedule in that Dexter usually gets up around 9am, we have breakfast, some random stuff and then I try to get him to start his nap by 3pm.  We don't have a bedtime routine...we don't do bathes every night, we're still working on teeth brushing every day...

Monday, February 14, 2011

I'm Beginning to Think about Babies Again...

One of the main reasons I wanted to wait to get pregnant again is because I was planning on going to New York in October. Well, my Mom (who I was hoping to go with), found out that she will be jobless as of early March so a trip is no longer feasible for her this year. I would really like her to go with me the next time so I am postponing the NYC trip until we can sort out a better time for it. Plus, to be honest, I haven't really been doing that well being consistent at exercise and healthier eating. 

Since I am SO the type of person that likes to have something fun going on, or some type of project to think about, getting pregnant comes back to mind. Tyler is still quite apprehensive about having another kid so its not something I can just do impulsively but I have it on my mind. I'm giving myself a few weeks to see if its a passing whimsy or back full throttle before I begin any strong campaigning.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

We have a temporary roommate...

At the end of 2010, my brother who had been working for a concrete guy out of Peace River, got laid off. He promptly got a job working on the rigs out of Medicine Hat but he was struggling mentally there...very lonely, getting paranoid about his girlfriend cheating on him, etc. Knowing my own struggle with depression and therefore being sympathetic to him, I didn't think it would be a good idea for him to continue working out there. Cody's girlfriend, Hope and my Mom also thought he'd be better off not working there.  Since Hope is living in Edmonton where she is going to school and working, Cody wanted to find work around here. He's being staying with us kind of by default...

We always have our house open to family and friends that are visiting in the area, so Cody has been staying here each time he comes to visit Hope. This stay just ended up being open ended and as of today he started a new job. I'm not really sure how long he's going to be here with us.  He's a fairly easy roommate, the only issues are that 1) we still only have one bathroom & 2) he drinks a crazy amount of milk. LOL I used to get a 2L maybe weekly and now I have to get 2 4L each week, maybe more. That and we don't have a spare room really so he's in the basement but if we have additional company he gets bumped to the couch.

We'll see what happens over the next little while.

Jean Frustation

Im referring to the denim kind we like to wear as pants... Not the bigoted, bitchy supervisor I once had LOL

I had grown quite fond of the jeans available at Reitmans. I liked the material, styles & affordability they offered. I'm quite particular so once I find something I like I tend to stick with it. Well in the last year or so Reitmans has been selling fly-less jeans, supposedly more comfortable. For me they are horrible: my thighs/hips are my largest part so I need jeans to stretch over that area & then cinch in at the waist. My last few trips to Reitmans found absolutely no jeans. I decided to try Penningtons as they are a plus sized store but they clothes just don't fit me right.  I thought I had found a pair: they were a nice color, had a cute design on the pockets and fit. But a few hours into my day they just kept slipping down and I had to tug them up - even with a belt. So that just won't do.

I've resorted to wearing some comfy sweat pants for most days of the week now, a dangerous habit. So help! Where do you like to buy jeans? Do they have plus size?