Thursday, October 7, 2010

Baby Business

I'm not sure exactly why, but I've been craving some of the excitement & fun of having another baby. I've some how seemed to have forgotten all the difficult things that come along with it! Instead I've been thinking about how much fun it is to share the news that you're expecting, to feel the first flutters of movement, to know that you're carrying another being in your belly, to look forward to the fun of an ever growing belly...

Now is just not the right time though. For starters, I'm not really having any baby-making time (something that really needs to move up my priority list). Secondly, I feel as though I am just getting ownership of my body back as I am still having that 1/2 hour of nursing every morning. Third, there are many more things I need to put my attention to & I know if I was in baby making mode, it would get my whole mental game. Fourth, if I got pregnant soon, I baby #2's birthday would be dangerously close to Dexter's &/or Christmas. Fifth, I really need to learn impulse control and delayed gratification. Just cuz I want something all of a sudden, does not mean I am ready for it or deserve it.

So my plan (which Tyler is not yet prvy to) is to give is about 6 months. If we started trying in April, it would give us a solid 6 month window that I would be happy to get prego in.

To help get through the waiting time, let us remember all the not-so-great things of having a baby.

-having to pee all the time
-food & odour aversions
-lack of energy
-possible morning sickness
-forgetfulness (though I think I have "mom brain" now anyway)
-doctor appointments & tests
-discomfort while sleeping
-suffering through other people's advice
-worry that baby is going to be healthy
-worry that Dexter won't adjust well to new baby

Hmm, that's off the top of my head. Any others?

Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

1 comment:

  1. Add to the list:
    Having to take care of baby #1 despite how you may feel, or what you may need to do (appts, etc) while pregnant with #2!

