Monday, October 4, 2010

Some blogs that haven't get made it past draft stage

A Documentry? - April 29/10
I was watching a movie review show (Sisket & Ebert-esque) where they were discussing a documentry and I have a moment of inspiration: I want to do a documentry! I love movies...
How To Stop Being Lazy - May 18/10
The following was found on another site, that at this time I do not have the link to...if it's your's please claim it & I'll add the info.
Step 1
Do you think you're lazy because you have lots of unfinished projects? You had the energy to start the projects, so I don't think laziness is the problem here. Look at each project and try to figure out why it's stalled. Maybe it's beyond your skill level. If so, you need outside help to finish it or else get some training or instruction to get past the problem.

Step 2
Have you considered that you might just be bored? Maybe life doesn't challenge you and you've settled into a rut. Make some changes, take up a new hobby, change your job, or otherwise shake things up. See if you feel more energetic once you are doing things that you feel a passion for.

Step 3
Do you get called lazy because you like to relax and gaze at the sunset? Hey, pat yourself on the back for not being so type A that you'll end up with a heart attack some day. More of us should learn to enjoy nature, sit and contemplate and not always be GO, GO, GO, all the time. Try to talk them into relaxing with you.

Step 4
Do you get called lazy because you spend hours each evening in front of the TV. Maybe the TV is actually an avoidance technique. Is your family life uncomfortable? Escaping from unruly kids, a nagging spouse, unpaid bills, a messy house, or other long-term problem could be the reason. Think about changing the dynamics. Go to marriage counseling, take up an activity with the kids to build rapport and respect, or try other solutions to change the way things are.

Step 5
If the computer eats up all your free time so that other tasks pile up, then you feel you must be lazy. Avoiding chores may be ingrained from childhood when it was your only way of resisting parental control. Now you're finding it burdensome to continue the behavior.Decide on some rewards for each chore waiting for your attention. Set the kitchen timer for 1/2 hour each evening. You can spare that much time from the addictive computer. Tackle a chore and work towards that reward.

Step 6
Check your blood pressure. Consider that there may be a physical reason that causes you to appear lazy. Poor nutrition and lack of exercise can sap your energy. A thryoid problem or low blood pressure might make you feel draggy. Depression results in physical slowing down and lack of motivation. These are all things that can be changed. Look into getting really healthy and see if it doesn't result in less "laziness."

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