Monday, October 11, 2010

Breakfast Ideas

I like to eat when I first wake up. I think it's a vital part of a healthy day. However, I am not the biggest fan of traditional breakfast foods: eggs, bacon, pancakes, french toast, cereal.  Sometimes I enjoy the flavor, but gernerally I feel pretty ill after eating those breakfast items. I like the idea of smoothies but can't seem to get one with a texture I like. So I am constantly on the lookout for exciting, new breakfast ideas. Some people feel weird about eating certain foods first thing in the morning, but luckily I don't have that qualm! Here are some I found via the world wide web, I'm going to mark the ones I'm most interested in with an astrix (*). 

-Cottage cheese and fruit.
-Thai flavored omelets
-Cream cheese stuffed French Toast
-Healthy, homemade whole grain muffins. Stored in freezer individually & warmed in microwave when needed.
-Bagels with cream cheese & ham & red pepper jelly
*Cold brown rice with milk, cinnamon & brown sugar or honey.
-Buffalo burger toasted sandwiches. When I worked out with my trainer I cooked up buffalo hamburger loosely with some taco seasoning & ate it on toast with mustard in relish. Very delicious!
-Shrimp tart turned into a quiche.

My search hasn't turned up anywhere near enough results for my liking. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. I eat plain rice cakes with peanut butter and sliced banana on top - as plain as that sounds I feel royally ripped off if i don't get it for breakfast! Even if I get something like bacon and eggs in place of it. it's my morning routine I suppose haha

