Friday, October 15, 2010

My 1st "Group" Session

Wednesday was my first session with MindBody FX. I put "group" in quotations in my title because there was only one other participant and she was a no show! Bonus to me, as I got one-on-one treatment but paid for less :-)

The session started out not so great, as the clinic was closed when I arrive [sidebar, I friggin hate my laptop some days. I just finished typing three paragraphs then accidently deleted them. Then the blog auto saved. Grrr!). Anyway, since I'm too lazy to re-type the whole thing again...basically I was anxious that I got the info wrong or something, expecially as I drove from Leduc, but they were just late. Jen, my personal coach, arrived at about ten after two.

The session involved a powerpoint backdrop, some digging questions (the start of self-contemplation), a visualization, an exhange of personal experiences and some homework.

One part of my homework is to email my success partner (Jen for now, another co-member later if she is more reliable) with a goal for the next day. She told me to keep it so "friggin easy" that I just couldn't possibly fail. So for example, my first goal was 5 minutes of exercise. Then, in each daily email after that, I start with whether or not I met my goal (no excuses, just I met it or I didn't) and then a goal for the next day.  I love the "friggin easy" idea because it starts you off with some great positive re-inforcement. And really, the first goal of a healthy weight is to be consistent, not to run a marathon. So on Thursday I met my goal by taking Dexter for a stroll to "No Frills", and picking up some groceries. All in all it was a 30 minute walk. Then today (same goal, 5 minutes), Dex & I went to mom and baby water aerobics which is 45 minutes. I love that not only am I meeting my goals, but I am "overachieving". It really builds your self perception.

I skimmed through the rest of my homework and it involves some reading & listening to the program (which I'm ahead on but will re-read/skim to re-inforce it), trying out a "whole foods recipe", using an affirmation I think and I can't remember what else.

My self-created homework is to use the morning & evening meditations daily (the night one actually helps me shut off my brain & fall asleep), filling out my progress journal each evening, and creating a physical representation of my ideal weight. This may be a magazine photo with my face or something else...

So I'm on track with where I want to be, on the road to where I want to go. One of the things I want to really keep in mind, is a message I keep hearing right now (so it must be important to me):


The process is about loving myself, treating myself well, enjoying life and creating positive habits. :-D I'm so glad to be on this journey!

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