Friday, October 8, 2010

My Thoughts vs Nutrition Plan

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." - Buddha

These are the words that continue to ring in my head as I struggle with the nutritional concepts from MindBody FX. So I think, for now, I am going to take what rings true for me, utilize that, and junk the rest.

I have tried a few things, almond milk instead of cows milk, adding more beans, using lime/lemon & salt in my water, butter instead of margarine...and they aren't working for me. I'm not the biggest milk drinker but when I have it, I want the real thing - 2% and cow. I prefer the flavor of margarine instead of butter in most cases (except maybe baking). I am just not a big fan of beans, their flavor or texture. And I have felt less well since I've added lime/lemon & sea salt to my water (the theory is water needs to be more alkaline to be absorbed).

So instead I am going to adopt the positive suggestions that ring true for me. Trying to eat brown rice more often than fact I think I like my brown rice better now - just not the time it takes to cook it! Incorporating a full rainbow of fruits & veggies throughout my day. Drinking much more water!!

I am doing this because I believe trying to follow a system I disagree with will set me up for failure. Deep down I also believe the following: what our mind believes is much stronger than the actual food going in our mouth. So my energy will be better spend focusing on my thoughts...which will have a positive domino effect on my eating habits. If no food is labelled as "bad", then u don't have the rebel drive to eat it, knowing u can eat it whenever actually results in eating it less!

A few years ago, I focused on my thoughts for a month & had a 20 lb weight loss with zero feelings of deprievation.
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1 comment:

  1. I struggle with this. I eat very well in my opinion and it's hard and I crave things and sometimes cave to them - which I occasionally feel guilty about but for the most part I accept the treat and move on from it. But as far as 'food plans' and eating right, I have had BY FAR the best success by strictly eating more fruits and veggies, and less or no 'bread products'. So I think you will see success if you can truly hook yourself on regular every day veggies and fruits. People often say to me "I could never eat a salad every day" or something along those lines, and I counter back with "well you can eat a bag of chips every day - what's so different?" ...anyways, that's all - I could drag this way longer but no time! lol

