Friday, October 29, 2010

How I Manifested Flowers

I had just pulled into the parking lot of MindBody FX and I noticed the flower shop next door. I thought to myself "I should get Tyler some flowers to show him I love him". But I figured Tyler would view it as a waste of money as flowers soon die.

Onward I went to my MindBody session. About halfway through my session, a lady walked in with a bucket of flower bouquets. She said "we don't need these so u guys can have them for free. Give them to your clients, for yourself, enjoy!"

So that's how I found myself with a free bouquet of flowers to take home to my hubby :-)

Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

1 comment:

  1. how lovely! I found some 50% off flowers at Extra Foods on Monday that were like 3 bucks cuz they were old - but they still haven't died! So 3.50 for a bunch! and they're LIME GREEN! I love them! lol

    what kind of flowers were they? PS. do you have flower beds in your new home? I ask because I do and i'm SO excited for spring to be able to try out my green thumb!
