Friday, October 26, 2012


I have a confession...

Although I am generally a busy and productive person, my mornings are such a huge time waste suckage. This AM for instance, we got up, I turned on the tv. Played some Simpsons app on my phone, checked emails, got dexter breakfast, received two phone calls, more texts, some coffee, pinterest, some breakie... And it's almost noon!

If I could just get a handle on my mornings, be focus and have energy right away, it would make such an improvement on my days. Today for example, I know have 1 hour to get Dexter & I dressed and ready for taking our van to a garage and going to a Playdate. Neither of us is ready for the public and Dexter does so much better when he's not rushed. My house is super messy and I would be so much happier if it was clean when we got back!

Tips for morning energy and focus?


  1. hmmm...creating motivation is a hard one. LIsts? a Schedule? Ex: make mornings cleaning time and schedule in ONE thing that has to happen every morning or if your morning is booked, then at least happen during the day. Like monday is 'wipe down all the cupboards' day, or friday is pikc up and SORT all the toys into proper spots or even just basics like one day you vacuum, one day you do bathroom(s)

    Otherwise you just need to get motivated :D lol. OH! Another (VERY HARD) thing...I try and leave my cell phone in my room for certain allotted time to keep from over-using it. It is a very useful piece of equipment but also a major time waster

  2. I like the idea of scheduling morning chore. And cell phone 'time outs' might be a perfect idea for me. I find a lot of free time - especially me time, gets easily gobbled up with phone calls, texts & emails.

  3. I completely know what you mean when it comes to wasting time in the mornings. I have so many days where before I know it, it's noon, and I've done nothing. I have started leaving my phone plugged in on my bedside table until the kids first nap then I bring it back down with me after I tuck them in. The one thing a day is a great idea too. Just schedule one thing a day to do around the house. Otherwise it ends up overwhelming and I just skip it all LOL. Hope you find some motivation, I know how hard it is!
