Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Exercise for Overweight Preggos?

So I want to sign up for this "BMS Stroller Bootcamp". While I am SOOOOO not one to gravitate to anything with "Bootcamp" in the name, I'm attracted to this one for a few reasons:
-BMS stands for body, mind, soul a lovely sounding combo,
-the stroller part means I can incorporate dexter into my workouts,
-the trainer comes highly recommended by other Mommies in our group,
- there are 3 other moms from my group joining so it wil be more fun & less nerve racking,
-there FAQs state that modification is available for whatever level you are starting at.

My concern, other than for embarrassment & lack of breath, comes in that I am early days pregnant & happily so. The course starts June 20 so I'll be 10 weeks by then, so I feel like it is only in our BEST interest to do it, But I guess I am looking for some reassurance.

P.S. If you are reading this & I haven't yet told you I am pregnant, it's because I haven't really told anyone yet. It's still very much NOT public news, but I don't know if many read my blog anymore any way. So if you are reading this news for the first time, please do not tell anyone else or announce our fun news. (but feel free to private message me or leave a comment here).


  1. Being that I already knew this (hehe yay for me!) I will just say good luck with the exercise :)

  2. I think it would be fun, except for the bootcamp part!! But it's nice to have something you can do with Dexter. Hope to hear how the class goes in an upcoming blog!!
    And Congradulations again!! I am so excited for you guys!
