Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Baby Names

We've been having a bit of a tough time finding a name we LOVE for this baby. I really think it would be easier if he was a girl, as there are more names we like that are girl names. However, we are blessed to be getting another baby boy (which I am more & more okay with). I've decided that all my "rules" don't matter. I no longer care if the name starts with a t, c, or k or ends with an n. I just want to find one I love!

Typical wanting what you can't have behavior, I've been liking the names Carter & Quinn, names of little boys in our social that I wouldnt use for that reason. Oh well, I'm sure it's only because of that that they are appealing to me so much.

I've also decided that I dont care how popular the name is - something that use to really bother me. Now the most important thing is finding a name that feels & sounds good for this baby :-)

1 comment:

  1. i'm really happy you like our name :) (and it's really funny you said Quinn because there was a little baby girl of my friend's born a week after Carter and she's a Quinn)

    You will find something! I know it :) I'm excited to see and hear what name you guys end up choosing when baby boy Nelson arrives!

    Funny note: I was writing your name in Carter's baby book as people he had met, etc, and I wrote your maiden name for some reason..??? i looked at it and was like 'what the?' lol.. not sure what happened there! Maybe your boy is supposed to be a Johnny? hehe

