Sunday, November 6, 2011


Theoretically, I am less nervous to have this baby than I was with Dexter. The first time you have absolutely no idea what to expect a you've never personally experienced it. However, the second time around you feel like a pro...though maybe that is some false confidence!

1) Theoretically, I feel like i know when baby will come. Dexter was born on his due date, which makes me (falsely) confident that this baby won't be born early nor late but "on time". Therefore I won't feel the need to get things done before week 38 plus I don't think I'll be worried about induction for 41+ weeks. BUT as recent evidence points out, the arrival date of baby is in no way influences by past births. Personal example, my friend Kyla's first baby was two weeks early and her recent second baby was a few days late.

2) Theoretically, labour is shorter with each subsequent birth. In reality, it's another guessing game. Again, my friend Kyla as a recent example: first baby came quite quickly, she was 9cm dialated when she arrived at the hospital. Second baby, took his time and most of the day I believe.

3) Theoretically, this birth should be equivalent to or smoother than my first. I should know how to deal with the contractions better and since I delivered vaginally with Dexter, a possible c-section hadn't entered my mind. In reality, each birth is unique and can have its own complications. I hope that my epidural will work the whole time and that I'll be calmer and more focused but who knows.

4) Dexter was a great nurser and I had no milk production issues so theoretically this time should be a breeze. In reality, baby could have latch issues, I could have production issues...past success doesn't equal a guarantee!

5) This is our second boy so there is no diaper changing learning curve and we've survived one circumcision. Shouldn't be any surprises there, right?

So yeah i was just thinking over how falsely confident I could be and it makes me a little nervous! Hopefully all goes smoothly.

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