Saturday, December 3, 2011

Bonus Ultrasound: 32 Weeks

Baby boy is head down but sunny side up (same as Dexter, which causes painful back labour) - hopefully I can get him to flip the other way. He measured about 4 lbs which she said is in the 50% percentile - perfectly average! What I found weird is she said he measured 33 weeks 6 days, by my count I was 32 weeks. She said something about me being in my 33 week? Who knows...anyway, we'll see if it impacts baby's arrival date or not.


  1. interesting how much bigger and squished he looks in a later ultrasound - less "space" around the baby!

    Well an earlier January baby might be nice!

  2. Hmm, I'm still okay with him waiting to arrive on or after his due date lol I'm not in any rush this time :-)
