Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Doing something bold

When I first started with Facebook, I did what most do, which is try to get everyone you know to join and try to "friend" every person you've ever met (and some you haven't). Now, many years later, I find some of these "facebook friends" overpost and thus I miss posts somewhat relevant to me from actual friends and family.  So tonight, for some reason I'm getting around to doing something I should have done a long time ago...I'm deleting some peeps. It's kind of hard deciding who makes the cut. Some people I'd like to get rid of, but not at risk of hurting their feelings. Some I just don't care and they get cut right away. For the ones I'm not too sure about, I'm employing this tactic: did I make a face or slightly cringe when I read their name? If yes, then they must go. I should only read names of people who I am interested in hearing about and talking too!

At this point (on the letter "D"), I have 251 friends...let's see how many are remaining when I am done. Down to 189! Not too shabby, but still a bit high. I might be able to whittle it down in a few months.

Oh, if I delete someone, and they try to add me back, I'll probably accept.  Also, since I am doing it via laptop, there is always the possibility that I'll accidently delete someone LOL

1 comment:

  1. Also keep in mind that some people might add you because your name might pop up on the side that says 'you might want to be friends with so and so' because you have 2+ friends in common!

    I go through my peeps every few months and delete.. I figure if I haven't commented on their status, gone to their page, been genuinely interested in them in some form or fashion (or vice versa on their part) since the last friend go-through, then likely they've gotta go!
