Sunday, March 27, 2011

Back to Normal?

Tyler is working again. That is mostly good news, especially since his job is in Nisku (about a 15 minute commute). The challenge is that he is on night shift.  He's only done two nights so far, but it could make life interesting. The bonuses are that 1) he has a local job - slim pickings right now, 2) he gets more awake time with Dexter with these hours, 3) there is a few extra dollars to be made doing the night shift.  The job is scheduled to go until July or possibly longer and he will most likely be on this shift the whole time.  It's kind of weird in that now his weekend doesn't really start until Saturday morning and now I have to try to hit the hay earlier.  It also means that during the week I am the one to put Dexter to bed at night, get up with him in the morning and put him down for his nap - all of which have their own challenges.  While Tyler was off work, we were alternating which was nice.

That being said it does give me the opportunity to build a better routine for Dexter and be more consistent as it will be just my way, as Tyler & I have a different way of doing things.  So far, Dexter & I have survived the additional time together and it should only get better once he is done being sick and we can go to our playdates again.

One thing that has already been tricky is that I have some "events" on the books for evenings that now I need to look for a sitter for: 2 book clubs, a cake decorating class (one night), and I'd like to go to a weekly meditation circle. Tomorrow night I have a meeting with my Mommy Group as I signed up to help co-ordinate events. My mom is coming down for a trip to Medicine Hat so hopefully she will be here in time to help me out. When I get back from the Hat I plan on trying a few teenaged sitters as I want someone who will get down on the floor and play with Dexter (so it's a benefit to him and not just to me). 

1 comment:

  1. 1. Cake decorating class? jealous..
    2. the nice thing is that if you are the one creating the routine is only fair that tyler (when he's home) follow your set routine because then it keeps dexter on schedule :) Michael has been really great to follow what logan and i have created and it really does help!
    3. Glad he found work :)
