Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Feel like making "money"

Tyler has been off work for a few weeks and I'm feeling the money crunch. We had a healthy amount of savings (in my opinion) but we've had/are having some big expenses eat it up. We had property taxes ($2400 - relatively cheap), repairs to our newly inherited truck ($1400), changed insurance companies so a deposit ($500), we building a cement pad in lieu of our rotted deck (probably about $1500-$2000 when done), and we purchased an air filter si months ago that starts payments next month. The interest is ridiculous so I want to pay it off before it becomes due ($2400 I think). So yeah, life is pricey. Our mortgage is relatively low at $1200/month but it & all our expenses add up fast. There are a few things I'd like, for instance a hypnobirthing class ($325), a doula (packages up to $800), and some other "non-essentials like a kitchen island, an extra bathroom, etc.

So, as usual I have champagne taste on a water budget lol. I don't know what kind of work I would want, or who would hire me for a short term (say September to December). If Tylers still not working he could easily watch dexter, but if he got a job it would mean we'd have to find & pay for childcare. I'm sure there are some alternative options I haven't thought of...

When I was pregnant with dexter I felt the need to earn money too, and started temping but that was simpler as I didn't have dexter yet!

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