Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Sometime, before baby comes, I'd like to complete two projects: getting Dexter to sleep in a bed & getting him potty trained. The "easier" project, or at least the one that is less of a committment throughout the day is the bed one. So we plan on buying a bed sooner than later for Dexter. Maybe as soon as this week. Our crib converts to a double bed, but we will use this crib for baby #2, so I think it makes sense to get a twin bed. We considered a toddler bed but it won't last too long. So better to invest in the long haul, then when baby #2 is old enough for a bed Dexter can move up to a double & Baby can use the twin.

I had a twin bed until I was like 16 and then I got a double which I thought was HUGE lol

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! Did you ever read that potty training book I emailed you? Logan went on the potty today for the frist time! He did it because he wanted to and I wasn't even there with him - he just happened to have his diaper off as I was about to change him but the phone rang.. I came back and there was pee in the potty! I was SO impressed!

    Bed thing: the pro thing about having Logan in a double is that he had more space to 'roll around' and not fall out of bed - and we put his mattress on the floor with no frame so there isn't any real distance to fall and hurt himself. This worked well for us, but definetly isn't a necessity as far as how anyone else should/could do it! Was nice not to have to invest in side rails and things of the sort though. We also are able to use it as a guest bed being it's a double (and we don't have a guest room)...not so easy now that Logan is sleeping in it full time, but i'm thinking a little ways down the road it'll be a useful feature to have!

    Excited to see what you choose and how it all goes for you!

