Sunday, November 7, 2010

Book Club

One of my "dreams" for a while, has been to be a part of a book club. I love sharing my opinions and what better way than to read a book and then discuss it with other people?  The opportunity came for me to suggest it among my Mommy group, where we are free to post new ideas. I'm very excited because not only have they taken the idea and posted our first meeting (January 13), and also our second (February), but our first meeting is the book I suggested!

It's kind of cosmic, because the book I suggested is "The Happiness Project" and the reason I decided to do something about my book club dream is because of what I was reading in "The Happiness Project"!

"The Happiness Project" has been great so far. I am about a third of the way into it but I am enjoying it very much. Basically it is about one woman's Happiness Project, a project she designed to increase her day-to-day happiness level. She broke her goals into 12 basic concepts (like energy, marriage, work), worked on one each month and had mini-goals within those months.

One of the reasons I am enjoying the book is because I see similarities between the author & I's personality and life, so I could easily see myself embarking on a similar project.  I hope to post more entries regarding this in the future.

To learn more or to start work on your own happiness project you can read the book (available at Chapters, Amazon, etc.) and you can check out her blog at

1 comment:

  1. I will definetly have to look into the book! I have a whole pile of books right now that the agency has given us to read, but i'm looking for something far easier and more... well, less boring to read LOL

    Good luck on book group! that's totally up your alley I think :)
