Tuesday, January 4, 2011

MY Struggles with "God"

Disclaimer: this blog has to deal with my personal journey & is in no way meant to offend other people's
choices & paths.

The word God makes me uncomfortable. When I hear it or read it I have a physical cringe reaction. To be honest, I am not sure where it originated. That is something I want to explore this year because I have no problem with the words Buddha, Tao, Universe, Source, Mother Nature, Mother Earth...so why just "God"?

I have more recent experiences with so called religious persons who have acted hypocritically, selfishly & greedily: not qualities that govern true religious people in my opinion. But I know that my inner feelings dated way before that, so these cannot be the source of my negative reaction.

I have also had positive experiences, mainly through my friend Kyla who is more in tune with how I believe authentic spiritual people should be.

The reason I want to explore this more, is that I believe everyone has a "spiritual" component they need to fill. It need not be through tradition relgions (in fact, I am fairly opposed to most established religions. They just don't "ring true" for me), but rather through quality time with family & friends, meditation, compassion, acts of kindness & charity, pursuing & acting on your true passions & talents, and the stripping of ego based qualities like greed, materialism, selfishness, judgement, predjuice, etc.

Why am I biased against religion? Well that could fill a book, LOL

In general, I see religion as one of many paths to the same destination. A set of rules meant to help govern us to be better people. I don't choose religion because I want to choose the rules that feel right for me. I don't feel going to church on Sundays (or Satirdays) is the answer. And I don't like how each relgion presents itself as the only "true" option. I also know the history of some religions - like Christianity - and how its role as a major player came to be through fear & bloodshed. I have also experienced many false people who join religions & I don't want to surround myself with them.

Anyway, my point is that I am pursuing a more spiritual pathway this year, and in order to have some real progress I need to identify my "road blockers". Wish me luck!

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1 comment:

  1. This one was a struggle to read because I have such opposite views in 'organized religion' as you put it - but regardless our differences I still love you for you and wish you all best as you find your spiritual self! It's a journey that I think everyone needs to take - finding a connection between your body and spirit I think is crucial because then you are truly 'one' with yourself.
