Thursday, October 21, 2010

1st Week Review

So I've completed my first week of the MindBody FX program. Some of my measurable successes were:

-i met each & every daily goal,
-i did evening meditations,
-i was physically active each day,
-i completed my workbook homework for the week,
-i set a deeply motivation reward for myself.

I'm really happy with my progress. Mentally I am light years ahead of where I was last month. I may be many steps away from my destination, but I am definitely moving in the right direction.

So for NYC, I'm trying to decide what parameters I am comfortable defining my success by. The easiest thing to say would be "X" pounds by "X" date...however that is my old mindset. I'm after weight loss, but its a secondary goal. My real goal is to pursue a life of fitness & health. So how do I measure that? I want to set myself up for success, but I also want it to be a bit challenging.

One thing Jen, my coach, suggested was to say that I need to meet my daily goals, 6/7 times per week. Percent wise, that is 85%, equally an A in a grading system. What I like about this is it rewards my consistency (a major goal) but isn't asking for perfection. It also allows me start small & gradually increase my expectations. It motivates me daily & more accurately measures my long term success I think.

Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.


  1. I like the idea of grading things - I know that you strive for 'good marks' as that is part of your personality, so maybe you need an "A" to go to NYC? Make a grading system somehow? I like it..

    So I know your goal isn't necessarily marked in pounds, but will you be tracking that also? i'm so motivated by that evil little number I personally can't help but look at it!


  2. Yeah I'll be aware of the pounds I'm "releasing" (lose makes you want to find it). Just won't be fixating on it.
