Monday, October 4, 2010

First Taste of MindBody FX

When I signed up for, MindBody FX, the weight "release" program I got the 6 audio CDs that are basically the workbook read aloud. I drove to Calgary & back to Leduc on Thursday so I was able to get pretty far into the program philosophies. I really love what they are doing with the mind side as I think its both groundbreaking & correct (not the right word but can't think of a better one). However, I have a "beef" with the nutrional side of it...

I originally signed up for the program thinking that 90% of the content was going to be about the mental fight of getting healthy. But the way the CDs come across, its 70% nutrition. To be honest, I am not liking that. For every weight loss expert out there, there is a different opinion on how, what, when & how much we should be eating. I have a philosophy myself (not really used by myself), and it makes me "uncomfortable" to think about trying something new.

That being said, I think that I need to be willing to at least try their methods before knocking them. As my aversion to their ideas might be part of my mental block. I am, though, giving my permission to sift through the idealogies, post-trial, keep what feels authentic & purge the rest. I feel that this is the best way to deal with just about any new ideas on any topic.

Now that I've probably peaked your interest on the nutritional idealogies of MindBody FX, let me delve into the details of it. The base of it, is to eat whole, fresh foods. So for example, instead of egg whites, eat the whole egg. Instead of chicken nuggets, each chicken. Avoid processed &/or gentically modified foods. Eat butter instead of margarine. Whole wheat vs white foods (sugar, white bread & pasta are the devil). Instead of sugar or fake sweeteners use honey, maple syrup, stevia. Avoid soy as it tends to be modified. Eat nuts, seeds & beans. Fresh, in season fruit & veggies in the whole rainbow spectrum. Avoid pre-packaged and processed foods.

They recommend doing the changes over 3 stages as they are meant to be lifelong. Stage one, gets u eating fresh & whole more. Stage two, is eating fresh & whole only. Stage three is very strict & meant for short phases of detoxifying. Life is meant to be a blance between 2 & 3 that u're comfortable with. There is no counting calories or portion sizes. Rather they teach slower eating, using smaller plates and utensils & eating until u are 80% full.

I love that its recommended it in stages (u choose 10 day or 21 day stages), I think that's great. I'm fairly ok with fresh & whole.

Here are some of my concerns.

1. I like Becel margarine WAY over butter. I've been eating it for years so I prefer the flavor, I like that its spreadable, and I really feel better about it nutritionally. I'm not sure that I want to change this, but I sort of feel that I need to give this 100% of my effort.

2.I eat whole grain bread & pasta already, and will try brown & whole rice. Though I find it takes MUCH longer to cook. On Saturday I mixed my white rice with brown & wild and felt good about that.

3. I'm worried about foods being bland on their own without sauces & mixes. I'm sure there will be some approved things that are ok, but I really need flavorful food & a variety.

4. I'm not a fan of most beans & legumes. I will try to eat more, or hide them in my meals maybe.

5. They eventually recommend avoiding cows milk & a lot of cow milk products. Suggesting almond milk and some other stuff.

6. They recommend switching to certain oils, & some organics. This could get pricey.

7. I often mix fresh & packaged foods. For example, I like the pre-packaged scallop potatoes & mashed potatoes. I like the pre-made frozen meatballs. Stuff like that.

8. My sweet tooth is afraid. How WILL I survive without daily doses of choclate, candy & chips?

Breaking it down on here, it doesn't seem too bad. Maybe its not as contrary as I feared. There are also two meditation tracks that I am looking forward to using daily: one for morning & one for night.

Despite my fears that the timing wasn't right, I think the timing might actually be perfect. My first group session isn't until Oct 13, so it gives me time to start slow & wade through my concerns at my own pace.

I've begun making some small changes already. On Saturday my friends wanted to buy us dinner & I originally suggested pizza. Then, after mulling over it for a while, I asked them if they'd mind if I cooked us supper instead. They were all on board. So instead we had chicken, rice & spinach salad for supper. I had expressed my excitement about getting started with my program so Melody & Shelly brought fruit for an after dinner snack & Vanessa limited how many chips she brought so I wouldn't have any leftovers. Instead of pop I had fruit juice & water to drink.

Dexter also seems on board. Since I'm not producing much milk, he doesn't really go back to sleep in the morning like he used to. So he wakes between 6 & 8 for the day. I took advantage of this today & we went to "Baby Weight" a mom & baby water workout class. I really felt the burn! Classes are Mondays & Fridays, & are available for drop-in.

Tyler is spending this week, going to the gym after work with a work buddy. This buddy, Randy, is in his 50s & has been weight training for a while. Its good for Tyler to learn how to do that with another guy. Once Tyler gets laid off we could go to the gym together, during the day when its slow, and they have babysitters @ the gym.

I'm also hoping to possibly sign up for a class or sport or some sort of physical activity for us to do together. Kickboxing or curling or something. Any suggestions?

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