Friday, October 29, 2010

Workout Challenges

I'm beginning to hit speed bumps on my fitness journey...

First, I started losing enthusiasm for Mom & Baby Aquasize.

Then, Dexter started having morning naps that go until almost 10am, interferring with our workout schedule.

Then, yesterday I had a really hard time with my elliptical workout. It was physically difficult, more than has been normal, and also mentally difficult. I really wanted to quit the elliptical after only 10 minutes. And I almost did. But a tiny voice in my head was like "you are doing this, quitting is easy now but isn't better". So I dug DEEP.

I started self talking in my head. I have a little picture I take with me of NYC, with a fit body & my head computered on - so Iooked at that picture, my goal, and said:

That girl in the picture would keep going. It would be easy for her. And she is me. Be who you want to be now. Push through. I can do it. I have energy. Vitality. Strength. Energy. Vitality. Strength. This is easy. Feel how tight & toned you are. How smooth this workout is.

And I just kept repeating versions of this over & over. A minute ticked by. Then two. I was halfway there. Another minute. Then only 7 minutes left. Six. Five. Four. Then I thought, You know what? I should make myself do an extra 5 minutes. That's how "easy" this is. I need to do an extra 5 minutes. So I did. And though it was hard, it was far from impossible.

I felt so proud of myself for pushing through and THEN doing more. That's what I am expecting of myself on this journey now. No giving up, to succeed & exceed my own expectations.

It also got me thinking that there should be audio downloads available that have these "personal trainer" -like encouragements. I fully attribute pulling through to those positive words & thought streams. So I'm going to go in search of some. And if none exist, I may need to put it in my "idea jar".
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

1 comment:

  1. I like your 'idea jar' idea - I might physically create one! Wouldn't that be fun? MAybe we could do crafts at our christmas party in Dec! That might be fun? lol... i think we attempted scrapbooking once but it never went forward.

    and good job by pushing through on the eliptical! I always have a hard time with elipticals.. I want to find someone with a treadmill that I can borrow for 1-2 months to see how much I would use it..
