Thursday, October 21, 2010

The 8 Daily Eating Habits

MindBody FX has a list of Guidelines they'd like u to gradually implement into your daily life. They are:

1. Eat 3-6 mini meals/snacks throughout the day.

2. Eat breakfast soon after waking.

3. Include a source of carb, proteins & fats at every meal.

4. Include a fruit or vegetable at evry meal. Limit fruit to 3 times a day.

5. Eat a rainbow of your produce. Aim for 4 of 5 colors daily: red, orange, dark green, purple, & the last combines white, yellow and light green.

6. Drink enough water. Take your weight in pounds, divide by 2 & that equals the ounces u need. Crazy!

7. Eat until u are 80% full. Its easier to get 6 mini meals in & its a healthier habit.

8. Focus on eating health promoting food 80% of the time & enjoy other foods 20% of the time GUILT FREE. 90/10 is more ideal for faster weight "release" but never deprive 100%.

I am on board with all of these guidelines. They all "ring true" for me. However, that doesn't mean I'm doing them all at once or that they'll be easy.

The first challenge will be drinking enough water this week...or at least MORE water.

I'm also going to start brainstorming how to incorporate more protein in, as that is always a challenge!

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