Monday, October 4, 2010

My little man is growing so fast - Aug 21/10

Dexter is 11 months old as of today (well yesterday technically but I haven’t went to sleep yet). I’ve made some birthday invitations for him and sent them out but I am still flabbergasted that I’m planning his first birthday party! It’s a very cliche comment to say they grow up too fast…but it’s TRUE!

He took his first steps a few days before we moved out of our old place in Red Deer and he’s been walking strong for a little while now. In fact he’s getting really good at staying standing while he bends over to pick things up – we are so proud Oh and he’s really starting to pick up speed now.

Dex still has shorter legs and a longer body, and I love playing up this fact with shorts. I think he looks just adorable in them as they look too long to be shorts and too short to be pants. He looks like the cutest little man, putzing around the house.

I joined a Leduc Mommy group on a meetup website this week that is suppose to be really active. I’m looking forward to meeting some other mommies and for Dexter to have some play time with other kids. He is so fascinated by them as he sees them when we’re out and about. I’ve also been looking on Kijiji for a casual/part time sitter to watch Dexter when I need to get things done (such as dental appointments or some other errands). I met with one lady, Kendra, on Thursday who has a 3 year old boy Logan. I have at least two others I’d like to meet too. Its so hard to know if someone is trustworthy. Like this Kendra seems really nice and responsible, but “realistically” she could be a baby snatcher. You just never know. But…I’d like to remain positive (and on the side of statistics) and hope that she really just wants to hear a few bucks babysitting. One of the catches of having a beautiful child is that you really can believe that someone would want to steal him!

That’s about it on the Dexter update. And if you’re wondering if:

a) we’re on a schedule,
b) if he’s still nursing, and
c) is he still sleeping with us.

The answers are no, yes & yes…without apologies. As of right now, this works for our life, and when it is no longer working (or maybe a bit sooner) we will work on making changes then. One of the key things I’m learning as a mom is that I was VERY judgemental before and that you just don’t know 99% of someone’s situation until you’ve lived it yourself. Now, please don’t misunderstand, I am still probably pretty judgemental, but I am working on trying to be less so.

Further comments on point b) I’m not super happy about still nursing, but I’m not yet ready for the “hard work” that may be involved to get Dex to sleep without nursing. It currently works really well as a comfort tool, and he seems like such a happy baby right now.

Further comments on point c) I just really love having Dexter beside me throughout the night. I love having him close and it bothers my heart to think of him “alone” in his crib in his room. This is something I need to work thru before I’ll be ready to do the work to help him sleep on his on. I need to be confident in it before I’ll be useful in helping him be confident in it. The two major drawbacks are the amount of room in our bed seems to be shrinking (as he grows and we only have a queen), and #2 is that it doesn’t benefit my marital relationship.

Okay, time for me to log off the ol’ computer and try to get some sleep. Later folks.

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