Sunday, October 3, 2010

Life in Leduc - Aug 10/10

As is real life, things haven’t magically gotten better for us overnight. Tyler and I are butting heads a lot as we adjust to seeing each other daily and figuring out the best groove for our everyday life. That being said, once we’ve worked out the kinks, I’m confident that this move is for the better. I think that I also have a touch of depression right now (an on & off problem my whole life). The thing with my depression, is that it tends to rear its head as grumpy/agitated/bitchy rather than “sad”. But since I’ve noticed it, I can now take action to deal with it. I already take an anti-depressent but I can address my social activities, etc.
Dexter for one, seems to really enjoy seeing Daddy every night. He gets very excited when Tyler walks through the door and when Tyler goes for his shower Dex usually has a meltdown LOL hopefully his emotions will level out over time.
I am very satisfied with Leduc’s retail environment so far. The “No Frills” is about 5 minutes from our house and it’s very cost effective. There’s also a very large grocery section in the Walmart plus my favorite Safeway (though Safeway is more inconvenient to get to). Most places I would shop at often are in Leduc and the few extras are very close in South Edmonton. I’ve had some pretty good experiences with the staff everywhere too: pretty friendly and everything.

Our house is pretty good though not without a few drawbacks. Since it was built in 1976 there are a few maintenance issues we need to deal with. There has been a CRAZY amount of rain here since we’ve moved and there is some evidence of leakage in the basement. So we’ll have to address that. Also we only have the one bathroom, so hopefully sometime soon we’ll be building a bathroom in the basement. The house is also smaller than our old one so it’s been a bit of adjustment figuring out how to fit stuff in or what to purge instead. It’s therapeutic though as we don’t really need as much stuff as we/I have. In a lot of ways this house feels like home already and Red Deer feels like a dream I can’t quite remember. I don’t really miss our Red Deer house though I do miss elements of it. Mostly my large corner pantry and the central vac! I’m pretty sure I can live without the pantry now but I’d really like to look into getting a central vacuum here. They are just really convenient. Let’s just see if I can convince Tyler. Oh, another minor thing I miss is that we don’t have room for a “junk drawer” in the kitchen space. It’s nice to have a spot for all the little things like pens, notepads, BBQ lighter, etc that make a mess of my counter. I’ll have to come up with an alternative.

There are a few things I really love about this place over our Red Deer house. For one, it stays a lot cooler on those hot days. For another, although I haven’t fully taken advantage of it, I love the peaceful backyard (and our “small town” neighborhood). We still don’t really know our neighbors yet, but sooner than later we should host a BBQ or something to get to know them. Third on my love list, is our seperate office. It’s so nice to have a space that is handy but tucked away for all our computer and office stuff. Though it is difficult for me to find time to get on the computer as Dexter is in a “get into everything stage” (I hear it lasts until they move out).

Well I have lots more to say & share but my babe Dexter is getting a little pouty. Hopefully I can get on here again sooner than later!

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